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Do Dental Braces Hurt? Comprehensive Response

Do Dental Braces Hurt? Comprehensive Response - CaliSmile Orthodontics

The question of whether dental braces cause pain is a common concern for many people considering orthodontic treatment.  According to the American Dental Association, a little discomfort is to be expected during treatment. While braces can cause some discomfort, particularly after the initial fitting and during adjustments, the level of pain is generally manageable and temporary. Here is a comprehensive look at what to expect in terms of discomfort from dental braces in Encino, CA, and how to alleviate it.

Initial Fitting of Dental Braces in Encino

Preparing for dental braces is the initial step. When braces are first applied to your teeth by a professional of orthodontics in Encino, CA,  it’s common to experience a general feeling of pressure and slight discomfort. This is because your teeth are beginning to adjust to the force of the braces, which will gradually move them into the correct position. The discomfort typically lasts for about a week. During this period, your mouth is also adjusting to the presence of new hardware, and you might feel general soreness in your gums and inner cheeks.

After Adjustments

Orthodontics in Encino appointments are scheduled regularly to adjust the tension in the braces. After these adjustments, it’s normal to experience similar feelings of discomfort or sensitivity as when you first got your braces. This discomfort is a sign that your braces are working and your teeth are moving into their new positions. It usually subsides within a few days.

Type of Braces

The type of braces you have can also affect the level of discomfort. Traditional metal braces cause more irritation to the inner cheeks and lips than newer options like ceramic braces or clear aligners, which tend to be smoother and less intrusive.

Pain Tolerance

Individual pain tolerance plays a significant role in the experience of pain with braces. Some may find the discomfort minor and more of an annoyance than actual pain, while others may feel it more acutely.

Managing Discomfort

There are several ways to manage and alleviate the pain associated with braces:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken according to your doctor’s recommendations to help manage pain.
  • Orthodontic wax can be applied to the parts of your braces that are causing irritation to the soft tissues of your mouth.
  • Soft foods will help minimize chewing discomfort during the initial period after getting braces or following adjustments.
  • Cold foods and drinks can provide numbing relief to sore gums.
  • Oral anesthetics, available in gel or spray form, can be applied directly to the sore areas for temporary relief.
  • Saltwater rinses can help heal sores and minor cuts in the mouth from the braces.


Duration of Discomfort

For most people, significant discomfort with braces is temporary and tends to decrease as treatment progresses. As the teeth move closer to their final positions, adjustments may become less intense and less painful.

Long-Term Considerations

There is a braces adjustment time that varies from person to person. It’s important to keep in mind the long-term benefits of braces. While there may be periods of discomfort, the result is a healthier bite, improved oral health, and a straighter smile.

Psychological Aspects

The psychological impact of dealing with braces shouldn’t be overlooked. Anxiety about braces can heighten the perception of pain. Adopting a positive outlook and focusing on the end results can help mitigate these feelings.

Communication with Your Orthodontist

Always communicate with your orthodontist about any pain you experience. They can offer additional solutions or adjustments to your treatment plan to make you more comfortable.

Do Braces Always Hurt?

While braces can cause discomfort, they are usually mild and manageable. It’s a natural part of the orthodontic journey and a temporary phase towards achieving a significant improvement in dental health and aesthetics. With proper management and care, the journey with braces can be a much smoother experience than anticipated.

How Long Do Braces Hurt?

t’s clear that dental braces come with a level of discomfort that varies from person to person. However, this discomfort is a temporary and necessary step towards a greater goal. With the right care and approach, any pain experienced can be effectively managed, making the process of getting that perfect smile as pain-free as possible. Remember, the discomfort is fleeting, but the benefits of braces will last a lifetime.

Best Orthodontics in Encino: CaliSmile Orthodontics

Are you looking for an orthodontics near me? If so and you live in or around Encino, look no further than  CaliSmile Orthodontics. You’ll find professionals who are experts at braces in Encino and are also skilled to treat other teeth straightening treatments like Invislign. Affordable and friendly, you can trust CaliSmile Orthodontics to transform your smile. Call today for a comprehensive consultation – (310) 710-6527.


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