CaliSmile Orthodontics

Invisalign Woodland Hills, CA

Your Dazzling Smile with Invisalign® now at CaliSmile Orthodontics at Woodland Hills

A home court advantage ingenious teeth straightening innovation is now around the neighborhood to cater to your purposes. A good solution for both teens and adults! Invisalign® technology has become a standard, accepted orthodontic treatment at CaliSmile Orthodontics - Invisalign Woodland Hills, California. 

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How is Your Woodland Hills, California Invisalign® Treatment Plan Made?

The orthodontist, Dr. Amir Dehghan, using a digital scanner, will examine and determine the treatment just right for you. X-rays, photos, and impressions of your teeth through 3D images will be taken. The moment you become a candidate for Invisalign®, your first custom-made aligners will then be polished to remove the sharp edges. These trays will be changed every few weeks to adjust to the new tooth positioning. 

Dr. Amir can use the images to map out your whole treatment process and predict the outcome. This will help in monitoring the growth of the face because with invisalign® aligning trays over time, the shape of the teeth will slowly change. 

While on Invisalign® treatment, the clear aligners will fit in your life without interrupting your day-to-day activities. It is meant to be removable and so you continue to eat anything you like. There are no food restrictions nor will there be a need to change the way you brush or floss your teeth. 

Invisalign® is as Close to an Invisible Aligning System: Invisalign Woodland Hills

You might have thought that using braces was the only solution to correct specific dental issues and irregularities. But, recognizing braces’ effectiveness that has saved and is still saving so many smiles, there is also something new-fashioned Invisalign Woodland Hills can offer you. 

Invisalign® aligning innovative technology will make the best in straightening your teeth without giving up on aesthetics, comfort, and ease. Even adults with orthodontic concern will find this treatment promising and encouraging as Invisalign® is as close to an invisible aligning system.  

Invisalign®’s pioneering clear thermoplastic-based custom-made aligners are unnoticeable, so you can wear them to straighten your teeth without actually revealing you’re on a treatment plan. 

Who Can Get Invisalign® Treatment in Woodland Hills?

Invisalign® aligning accommodates from simple or common to moderate straightening teeth or bite issues. It operates with a custom-made removable invisible aligners that are worn over your teeth for 20 to 22 hours a day for best results. 

When your teeth or jaw do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment will be deemed necessary to correct it. It is the best choice for you to go for Invisalign® here at CaliSmile Orthodontics if you have issues such as:

  • Baby and permanent teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Openbite
  • Gap teeth
  • Overbite

How does invisalign® aligning work?

CaliSmile Orthodontics here at Woodland Hills goes through a 3-step approach to give you an uninterrupted routine experience while undergoing treatment. You could complete the treatment in as little as six months, conditioned by your needs. But the good news is that the results will be visible in weeks. 

Here are the simple steps to guide you:

  1. Meet your doctor. Reach out to Dr. Amir and take your smile assessment to see the treatment that suits you best. Your x-rays and impressions will be taken to determine the issue that needs to be treated. 
  2. Start wearing your aligners. After you are given your removable, custom-made aligners, wear them according to your treatment plan’s duration. Each set of aligners will gradually shift your teeth to their desired position.
  3. Regular check-up. Dr. Amir will guide you throughout the process. You will have a scheduled regular check-up to track your progress, to ensure your aligners still fit well, and to make your new batch of aligners until you straighten your teeth and give your best smile.

Why Choose Invisalign® Over Traditional Braces?

First and foremost, the Invisalign® clear aligners will transform your smile without cutting you off from your daily routine. Second, the SmartTrack engineered material offers a close to invisible personally-addressed alignment system that straightens teeth without the discomfort of braces’ metal attachments. Another benefit you can get is that you are free to take your  Invisalign® trays out to celebrate special occasions. There is no need to wait for the day that you will be braces-free to enjoy.  

So, invisalign® is perfect for those who desire to straighten their teeth with more predictable results, thanks to its innovative software tracking step-by-step of the transformation of your smile. Let Invisalign® at CaliSmile Orthodontics at Woodland Hills help the real you steal the show with your smile!

Invisalign Woodland Hills, CA: Ready to Get the Smile You Want?

With Dr. Amir Dehghan, we at CaliSmile Orthodontics at Woodland Hills are here to make getting started simple for you. Receive a free consultation to talk about the Invisalign® treatment plan made just for you.

Inquire today! Improve your smile. Call us at ​​310-710-6527.

(310) 710-6527